Your Opinions Solicited
What did you think?
We'd like your opinions of our latest programme. Let us know what you think of the productions we put on, good or bad. What did you think of the over all spread of productions? Was there enough to interest you? Do you have any plays, bands, musicals, shows, etc, you would like to see put on at the Theatre? Let us know. Please e-mail any thoughts to:
This is your chance to influence the programme! Iain Reddihough
Your responses

01 Jul 2023 21:21
Paul Oakes
fantastic performance by Jonathan Goodwin his one man show is outstanding his story telling of the 39 steps transports you to another time and place, plus its perfect for theatre on the steps hopefully Jonathan will return to tell more tales and transport the audience back in time.

27 Jan 2013 18:39
Jacqui Jackson
just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the Panto - great fun and well done to all of the cast. Regards, Jacqui

04 Oct 2017 13:37
Tracey Clarke
Black Country Night Out - 29/09/17 Brilliant show, laughter all the way. We will wait for the return.
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